Criminal Cops in Jamaica - the Cause? He has a point. Pay and conditions are soo poor that with very few exceptions, only the poor and desperate from a corrupt society join or stay the force. Anyone with character or talent does not stay in the JCF for very long. That is the root of the problem. We end up with a JCF full of undesirables who get promoted over and over again. Anyone who has to deal with a JCF officer comes away with that impression. As one who has made the mistake and briefly worked for the JCF, I know. I corrected that mistake in a hurry! If the pay and conditions were better, the job would be more attractive and we could be more selective and recruit a higher caliber of person into the JCF. The thing is, despite the rhetoric to the contrary, Jamaica has not decided to make fighting crime a priority. We want to have our cake and eat it. We want to ...