Mass Killings in the US. No Simple Solutions I am disappointed that an erudite scholar as Mr. Golding is would write such simplistic stuff. Mexico and Jamaica have some of the most strict gun control laws in the world. If gun control laws are so effective, why are those countries awash with crime? Fifty years ago, America was awash with guns and there were very few mass shootings. California has the most strict gun laws in the US and yet they have one of the highest rates (17%) of mass shootings! Although Mr. Golding, the anti NRA and anti-gun lobby would like you to believe the problem is the easy availability of guns in the US, the causes of crime and mass shootings are much more complex than that. As illustrated in strict gun control states such as Mexico and Jamaica, gun control alone will not reduce people killing people with guns. The availability of guns are just one of many factors. Mr. Golding knows that politics is the art of the possible. Since seriou...