Stewart lists achievements in Manchester Southern ...but cries political victimisation

BY KASEY WILLIAMS Staff reporter  Monday, August 17, 2020 

'Clientelism' is defined as the exchange of goods and services for political support.

Mr. Stewart lists his 'achievements'

- the building of infrastructure

- built a postal agency in the Prospect area

- piece of the road in Alligator Pond

- developed the playfield in Alligator Pond

- 10 roads in the constituency have been rehabilitated

- assisted over 3,000 students

Clientelism at its best! This is the kind of politics that is playing 'havoc' with our development as a country. Here in Canada and most civilized places, it is the DUTY of government (whichever party is in power), to provide communities with these basic needs. Not so in Jamaica. We are made to feel as if we are to be grateful for these basic things: schools, roads, etc. I bun fire pon clientelism. The role of a national political representative such as an MP should be to act as a voice on national development goals for Jamaica. Instead, in our backward first past the post system, candidates just promise their constituents 'goodies' such as roads, footbridges, etc. Candidates are therefore judged on their ability to deliver these 'goodies'. This is another reason to change our constitution to a proportional representational form of government. Problem is, there is little political education at the grass roots so there is no political traction for such change. This is what any new party such as the Jamaica Progressive Party should be doing but instead, every new party rushes into the same system, rushes to be elected, fails and then fades into obscurity and so nothing changes.....Wi corner dark...

Raymond D. Grant


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