PNP Labours As JLP Leads Two To One

While the green tribe is already celebrating their victory over the orange tribe, those Jamaicans who belong to no tribe, line up at the embassy. The largest portion of Jamaicans registered to vote (48%), do not vote. Another large proportion do not even bother to register to vote. We who are in the diaspora are not allowed to vote either - even though we maintain the Jamaican economy with our remittances. This means that the largest proportion of us Jamaicans have disenfranchised ourselves and disengaged from the political process. This is one of the reasons we have bad government in Jamaica. Here's why. When most people disengage from the political process, this leaves the field free for the tribalists. These tribalists then become 'the selectorate' i.e. those who are engaged in the political process and whom the political parties have to cater to or bribe for their support. This leads to the clientelism and corruption that is so rampant in our politics. A footbridge, a government contract, a new road etc. are used in an attempt to bribe people to get their support and their votes. When most of the governed do not care, political parties focus on those who do. Look at the level of the people who are tribalists dancing in the streets and painting dogs in party colours. The flotsam and jetsam of Jamaica are the tribalists in both political parties. That is why our political establishment is the way it is and that is the main reason why our country has been mismanaged for decades. Sorry JPP, the solution is not a new political party to run at the polls. The solution is a movement dedicated to a long term program of political education, constitutional reform and political reform. Neither party will do it because it is not in their culture, tradition or interest to do so. Such a movement will have to germinate from the wider society with diaspora and private sector support. I call upon Jamaica's private sector and diaspora organizations to come to our rescue. Jamaica's diaspora organizations and Jamaica's private sector need to cancel every other activity and prioritize this.

Raymond D. Grant


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