Promises vs performance The Andrew Holness Administration 2016 to 2020 Canute Thompson , Jamaica Observer Newspaper, Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I think both parties are full of crap and both parties have failed us. Therefore, I am not a comrade or a labourite but as we are such a tribal country, what I say here will be interpreted as tribal - for the JLP. In the 5 areas mentioned, there have been failures by both parties. However, the PNP has been in power most of the time so the PNP must get most of the blame for the failures. The PNP once offered the masses hope but they squandered their political capital. All we got were promises from the PNP - the same with the JLP. The PNP also did not keep their promises to us so what else is new? This time, the PNP's election promises are so ridiculous, even the blind can see that they are pies in the sky. With regard to the next election, it seems to be mostly about personalities, not the issues you mentioned so you are a voice crying in the wilderness. No one is listening. Most are into 'ray ray' and personality politics - virus be damned. We don't give a hoot about issues like corruption. My old school mate Peter Phillips is older than I am and I am really old. Dr. Phillips is perceived as old and sick - which he is. He may deny it and say he is 'Fit' but the calendar does not lie. I saw a video of Dr. Phillips talking and he is not his usual self. He came across as tired. Dr. P has done his service but I think he should retire. Since he won't retire, Jamaica is going to retire him. I don't think Jamaicans will put up with ageing dinosaurs as party leaders these days like we did in the past. Busta, Michael Manley, Seaga, they did not know when to bow out gracefully but hung on and on. When compared with Dr. Phillips, Andrew Holness comes across as young, healthy and vibrant. The JLP is the less crappy choice so even though I supported the PNP in a past life, if I could vote, I would vote JLP this time. However, we in the diaspora still can't vote. I wish you would add that issue to your list. We, Jamaican citizens in the diaspora continue to be disenfranchised. With all the JLP's faults, and there are many, Jamaica is going to need a younger, healthier Prime Minister to lead the country out of the virus morass. Holness is that person.

Raymond D. Grant


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