Why Bad things happen to 'Good' people

 Why bad things happen to good people is for the same reason why good things happen to bad people. Even Hitler had good days.....God, Allah, any god does not come into the equation. These are faith based theories - not scientific fact. The scientific fact is that the universe operates on the cause/effect dynamic. Whether a God created it and created it that way is a debate for theologians. The scientific fact is that a child can be in the wrong place at the right time to be killed by that SUV. Whether the child is good or bad is immaterial. The universe is not cursed with a conscience like we are. The universe just does its thing because it is, 'a thing'. The universe has no brain so it has no conscience.

The Adam/Eve 'fruit of knowledge' story is about the human curse of conscience, self-awareness, the ability to hope, etc. something which animals and the universe we live in do not have. Animals live and die according to instinct. Some animals have attacked and even killed their loving owners. In our anger we put down those animals but the animal is not 'guilty' of anything because for some reason unknown to us, its instincts said to attack the owner - loving or not. A Pavlovian dog will electrocute itself if trained to do so according to its instincts.

Good or bad people get ill for scientific reasons. For example, I have cancer not because I did anything wrong such as smoke etc. but because as one gets older, through cell division, the cells in our body deteriorate and the chance of defective (cancer) cells being produced is increased. Also, the older you get the more toxic your body becomes. Mostly older people get cancer. Children get cancer for other reasons. In some cases there is a genetic issue, in others it is the accident of chance. Children are growing and producing new cells at a rapid rate, the more cells divided the more chance there is mathematically of defective cells being produced. How to get our cells to reproduce perfectly every time is unknown. In many cases, the cause of cancer is unknown to us. There is a cause, we just don't know it yet.

Growing old is risky but growing up is risky too. Dying is a lifelong process. We begin to die when we are born. We should live every day as if it is our last because for hundreds of thousands of us, it is. Just live good and enjoy your life as carefully as you are comfortable with. Do the most good you can as much as you can and you will be loved and appreciated and religious people say you may be rewarded in heaven too! Look both ways when crossing roads but continue to cross roads...Your days are numbered - all of us but there is no reason to fear death. Prior to being born, you did not exist and we have no knowledge of anything. We gradually develop consciousness after we are born. When we die, consciousness goes away and we return to that state - a state of nothingness....no pleasure but also no pain. What I call, 'the state of Zero'.

Raymond D. Grant

(On my way to Zero)


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