Al·la·hu Ak·bar!

Before 9/11 when I was a student at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, I wrote about and spoke out against some of the backward practices of some who claim to to be followers of the prophet of Islam. I specifically criticized Female Genital Mutilation and the general treatment of women in Islamic countries. I also warned that fanatical Muslims would cause problems for us in the future. Then 9/11 happened and everyone said 'You were right!' I got death threats on my phone, I was attacked by mobs of Muslim students at the school and had to have a campus police escort to and from classes. Thanks to the campus police, I was very lucky not to be beheaded. I had to eventually end my studies, leave Carleton U and flee Canada so they won. Most Muslims are very peaceful, loving people but there is a significant fanatical element in Islam which the mainstream Muslim community and the west needs to deal with. In the west, we tiptoe around this in an attempt to not be islamaphobic but the refusal to be proactive against the threat from Muslim fanatics is endangering any who dare to express opinions against the fanatics. We allow Muslims to flood into the west without any investigation of their religious beliefs because in the west, we respect all religions. Trouble is, many Muslims do not respect other religions or those of no religion who dare to criticise them. Anyone who speaks out against the excesses of some followers of Islam does so at their own risk....

Raymond D. Grant
Research Director, EXILED
Canada Cell: (867) 445 - 2865

Immigrants, Migrant Workers and Refugees - Making the World a Better Place for All


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