America has a problem

America needs more than ‘a decent person at the helm of government’. America is suffering from a similar condition as Jamaica and American voters who faced a Hobson’s choice. The political establishments of democracies can be taken over by corporate elites. When this happens, government and the political process become discredited in the eyes of most people. History shows that this often gives rise to populists who promise ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ (French Revolution), 'Peace, Land and Bread' (Russian Revolution) 'Liberty' (Haitian Revolution), 'make Germany Great again' (Hitler), 'Serve the People' (Mao - China), ‘make America great again’ (Ronald Reagan/Trump), or ‘drain the swamp’ (Trump). None of these achieved their aims and many presided over even more tyranny than their predecessors. ‘A decent person’ entering the political arena cannot fight against the systemic corruption of the political establishment and Biden in particular may be ‘a decent person’ but his election will not make much of a difference to the massive problems America faces: the growing impoverishment of the middle class, widespread gun ownership, growing income inequality and racial justice.

The problem with democracy is that the individual choice that citizens periodically exercise during elections do not confer political wisdom or virtue on those chosen to govern. Only strong oversight from an engaged civil society can ensure reasonably good government. We leave government to the politicians at our peril.

The democratic party has been successful in making this US election one about the character and personality of the candidates. Trump frightens the children, Biden will sooth them to sleep. Trump is bellicose, mendacious, rude and obnoxious whereas Biden is a polite doddering old gentleman who will bring decorum back to the White House. While that decorum may be important to elites, it is not that important to average people who can barely make the rent. Neither candidate seems to have a progressive vision for America.

Raymond D. Grant
Research Director, EXILED
Canada Cell: (867) 445 - 2865

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