Silence in the face of Evil is sometimes not evil

Few people are as brave as Mr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the noted German theologian and anti-Nazi dissident who was executed in 1945. He put it best when he said: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. . If we are waiting on most people to exhibit that kind of bravery, we will be waiting a long time. I certainly do not recommend that people come forward the way the writer suggests as I do not want their death on my conscience. This writer urges us to come forward with info to a police force that is corrupt and has members in league with the gangs. It is widely known that the best and brightest or our police officers leave the JCF early. Why? One example of how corrupt and inefficient our security forces are is how they deal with illegal dances. I have been on the phone to loved ones in Jamaica when the call is interrupted by a vehicle going by with a PA system announcing a dance. These dances are illegal and are organized by the gangs to raise funds for the gangs and to provide them with entertainment and an opportunity to 'profile'. Even if the gang does not actually own the venue or organize the event, the promoter still has to pay the gangs a fee for 'protection'. Somehow, the police are deaf to these events? No, the police are not deaf, they have been paid. The vehicles even drive slowly past police stations! Even when they are in jail or prison, the gangsters still enjoy cell phones and other forms of access to their cronies so they can still take care of informers from their jail/prison cells. Are the correctional officers deaf and blind? No, they are bribed. A quick way to end your life in Jamaica is to become an informer. There is usually a code of silence enforced among gangsters so rarely do they squeal on each other. Fear of retribution creates a wall of silence in the community. What needs to be addressed is the corruption of the police and explain how an unarmed, sometimes elderly citizen is to defy armed gangs and become an informer. And, don't tell me about the witness protection program......heard bad things about the inadequacies of that program. Jamaica is a small island so it is impossible for witnesses to hide on the island. Unless we arrange some kind of contract with foreign countries to give people and their families new lives in foreign countries, people are going to continue to refuse to come forward. In Mexico, some communities have just given up on the police and armed and barricaded themselves to protect the villages from their gangs (cartels). I visit the narco state of Mexico often and see where their gangs have become so powerful that they tell even the President of Mexico what to do. El Salvador is in the same situation. Jamaica is also on its way to becoming a country ruled by gangs. The rule of gangs has become normalized in Jamaica. The politicians claim to love us but none of them will live in a gang controlled community. Why? Because they don't really give a **** about the poor. I firmly believe that if a politician wants to represent a community, he should live in the community. Like Mexico and other countries, very high up people in the Jamaican society are in league with the gangs - or else how could they run amok on such a small island?


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