

'Happiness' is one of those things that are relative - it is difficult to measure. Canada is just one step above the USA in this ranking. Some of the 'happiest' countries are also some of the coldest. Does a cold climate help? None of them have huge armies instead focusing on social development. None of them have huge crime problems. Finland is the safest country in the world so no wonder they are number one!

What is interesting in this report is that authoritarian, dictatorial countries are way down in happiness. Cuba was not mentioned so the Cuban government may not have allowed the survey but China (87) is way down on the list, much lower than Jamaica, so democracy is important. China may be safe but it is not a happy place.

Even though I consider Canada a fairly successful country, Canada (15th) is found wanting in this index. According to Forbes Magazine, 'Finland has long been praised by a multitude of international bodies for its extensive welfare benefits, low levels of corruption, well-functioning democracy, and its instilled sense of freedom and autonomy. Its progressive taxation and wealth distribution has allowed for a flourishing universal healthcare system, and, staggeringly, more than 80% of Finns trust their police force, which is far more than many other countries can claim.'

One of the differences between Finland and Jamaica is the 'flat working model' which means that Finns are not closely supervised like our hierarchical work model. Jamaicans have a history of being forced to work starting from slavery days. We have little self discipline and do not postpone gratification as these lessons were ingrained into us from slavery. Therefore, we need layers of bureaucracy to keep an eye on us as we are all suh tief. We have developed a culture of tiefing - from tap to battam as one former Prime Minister said. There is little social trust. We do not trust our politicians, we do not trust the police and other authority figures - with good reason as most of dem a tief too! Jamaica is about hustling for yourself....

In Jamaica, there is little social cohesion. The country's economy is dominated by an elite. The country's politics is dominated by an elite. Even the best education is dominated by an elite. Young people especially the young men of the poor are welcomed only by gangs. Boys need men to properly develop. Gangs in Jamaica provide that support so the problem continues from generation to generation. We need major interventions for our boys.

'Finland is in fact the only country in the developed world in which fathers spend more time with school-aged children than mothers'. Forbes Magazine again: 'The happiness of the Finnish people stems not only from its large number of welfare policies, its intrinsic affinity for mutual trust and equality but also from freedom. The mindset that one can only be free and independent if everyone is equally free and independent drives the country’s policy-making and underpins what it means to be Finnish.

For many, it’s about living in a country where all conceivable basic needs are met, whether that’s healthcare, education, or having a job that makes you feel fulfilled. The overarching theme is that Finland remains ahead of the curve in so many facets of life.The fact that the country continues to pioneer social and economic welfare, education and working best-practice is something of which other countries should take note when looking at improving the happiness of their people.

We should study what these successful countries are doing. Maybe we can learn something. If we continue to develop our country only for comfortable political/economic elites and tourists, eventually no one will be safe. If we don't stop being so tribalistic and elitist, all the King's Horses, all the King's men, all the police and soldiers in the world will not save us. Mexico has police and soldiers almost at every corner and still their gangs (Cartels) rule. The police and soldiers just join in and benefit from the corruption. I know, I have been a victim every time I visit Mexico. Except for those of us who can emigrate, everybody in Jamaica will find out sooner or later that they are all in the same boat. No need to reinvent the wheel. Look and learn from Finland.

Raymond D. Grant


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