Anti-Vax vs Pro-Vax Anti-Lockdown vs Pro-Lockdown

 Most of the arguments I have heard for and against the policies fighting covid (vaccines, lockdowns) lack scientific rigor as this was a new situation. However, we now have over a year of data to analyze what has happened. 

The anti-vax  movement claims this is a a manufactured crisis around a virus that is 90+% survivable. This is the true part, the vaccine is survivable by the vast majority who get infected. Of the 3 people I know who have been infected, one has died. The suggested motives to 'manufacture' this crises range from a conspiracy by Big Pharma to Bill Gates implanting bio tracking compounds into the population or him using vaccines to poison the population as a means of population control. The anti-lockdown movement claim that the lockdowns are a means of social control and also a strategy to depress small businesses in favor of big businesses. It is also true that small businesses are suffering whereas big businesses such as Walmart and Amazon are thriving. Therefore, there is some truth in both movements. In the USA, Canada and Jamaica, significant vaccine hesitancy exists. Lockdown fatigue and even lockdown defiance is increasing.

There is a recent (Mar 2021) British publication from the HART group which I am finding useful in analyzing and discussing policies around the covid situation. As it is a scientific document, it is a long hard read filled with statistics and medical terminology. The opinions expressed are their own and I cannot vouch for them. Here is the link:

In addition, as I expected and as happens with most respiratory viruses, the current vaccines may not work on at least one variant.

I am also concerned that vaccines are being required for evacuation from a natural disaster - the eruption of the volcano on St. Vincent. In some places unvaccinated people are not allowed to work in their jobs. I find this disturbing....

Initially, in the interest of public health, I was in favor of very strict lockdowns and forcing people to get vaccines. Now, after a year, we have some data to evaluate the cost/benefit ratio of these policies. I just do the research. You be the judge.


Raymond D. Grant
AKA 'Don Barker'
Research Director, EXILED
Canada Cell: (867) 445 - 2865

Immigrants, Migrant Workers and Refugees - Making the World a Better Place for All


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