We have to live with Madam Corona

 I am not an 'anti-vaxxer'. I have had several vaccines from I was a child and I get the flu vaccine every year. However, what concerns me is that those against the current Covid vaccine program are not solely 'anti-vaxxers'. For example, Prof G. Vanden Bossche, a Coordinator in the development of previous vaccines and a supporter of vaccines has this to say about the Covid vaccines:

What also concerns me is that vaccines are now being used to prevent people from accessing employment, the right to travel as well as other rights and government benefits in some places. Here in Canada, the land border with the US remains closed and no travel is allowed to the Caribbean or Mexico - countries that I usually visit every winter. These barriers have devastated countries like Jamaica and Mexico that rely on tourism. Even though some like Bill Gates had warned that a pandemic was coming, the Covid pandemic came on so quickly that most were surprised. Mistakes have been made as everything is being done in a rush panic mode. It is now apparent that the risk of serious illness and death is limited to mostly the elderly and those with comorbidities. Younger, healthy people may or may not get sick and some who get sick may feel pretty crappy for awhile like they have a very, very bad flu but we now know that the government support and quarantine measures should have been focused on the sick, elderly and those with comorbidities. For example, every employed person who got Covid should have had government wage replacement financial support to allow them to stay home - whether their job had sick benefits or not. I know for a fact that some who had Covid and were symptomatic continued to go to work and spread the virus simply because they had no sick leave benefit e.g truckers, the self-employed and contract workers. Younger healthy people who get ill and take care of themselves while ill will very, very rarely deteriorate, become very ill or die. To have totally locked down the whole world to save these few lives was a mistake. Limited focused quarantines of some areas of spike and those facilities that had outbreaks would have been more efficient without the catastrophic social and economic damage of total lockdowns. There should also have been the financial support in place to allow those groups to isolate or be quarantined. ICUs should also have been expanded to prepare for those to be infected.The massive lockdowns have caused catastrophic social and economic damage which with the wisdom of hindsight we now know caused more harm than good. All the lockdowns do is temporarily slow the infection rate at a massive cost to society. I do not blame governments for this as I believe their efforts were sincere. Governments were sincere - but wrong. However, even though some governments have discarded lockdowns, many still are doing the same thing - expecting different results. The debate about the vaccine will continue to rage as the debate itself has now become an industry. Books for and against are being published, vaccines are social media's hottest topic and a wide variety of hustlers and charlatans are now peddling alternative covid medications, anti-covid 'natural' preventions and cures. These snake oil salesmen and promoters are confusing the issue leading to a lot of misinformation being out in the public space and some of this misinformation is cloaked in the respectability of doctors and other medical professionals making it very difficult for the ordinary person such as a layman like me to understand what the hell is going on. For now, I suggest that seniors and those with comorbidities should get the vaccine. For younger healthy people, it should be optional. Younger, healthy may get it, should be supported if sick but they will most likely survive. Like the flu which kills people every year, this virus will kill some and certainly more than the flu. Sad as that is, we have to live with it.....

Raymond D. Grant


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