Men who like to Fuck children may be sickos but should we castrate them? As one who was trained in Early Childhood Education and who worked as an Early Childhood Consultant for a while, I had to study pedophilia. As pedophilia is a sexual orientation and it is impossible to change one's sexual orientation, one cannot just decide to not be a pedophile. Pedophilia is an incurable sexual orientation affecting up to 5% of a population. Therefore, there are thousands of pedophiles on the loose in Jamaica. According to the Pope, 2% of his priests are pedophiles. I suspect the percentage is higher. Most of these offences against children (over 90%) are never reported by the children. Often the experience is hidden by the victim child who then develops abnormally. Over 90% of children molested are attacked by men they know and trust or are known and trusted by the child's parents. However, the internet has cyber pedophiles who prowl the internet to meet and groom children not previous...