Men who like to Fuck children may be sickos but should we castrate them?

As one who was trained in Early Childhood Education and who worked as an Early Childhood Consultant for a while, I had to study pedophilia. As pedophilia is a sexual orientation and it is impossible to change one's sexual orientation, one cannot just decide to not be a pedophile. Pedophilia is an incurable sexual orientation affecting up to 5% of a population. Therefore, there are thousands of pedophiles on the loose in Jamaica. According to the Pope, 2% of his priests are pedophiles. I suspect the percentage is higher. Most of these offences against children (over 90%) are never reported by the children. Often the experience is hidden by the victim child who then develops abnormally. Over 90% of children molested are attacked by men they know and trust or are known and trusted by the child's parents. However, the internet has cyber pedophiles who prowl the internet to meet and groom children not previously known to them. Since Covid, many schools are closed leaving children home alone and children now spend many more hours unsupervised on the internet using phones and tablets. The dark web even has pedophile internet clubs. Many pedophiles were buggered or otherwise sexually abused in their childhood by pedophiles. You may even be married to one and not know although pedophiles are usually single and find it difficult to maintain an adult sexual relationship. Often, their marriage is a cover for their actions. Pedohiles are almost always male (Over 90%) so it is a male disease. The symptoms of pedophilia are not obvious so pedophiles often seek and achieve trusted positions to get contact with children. Some become doctors, nurses, teachers, professional clowns - any career that will give them contact with children. Pedophiles are perpetrators of opportunity and often assault child relatives. Child sexual predators seek to determine if the child has a stable home life, or if the family is facing challenges like poverty and family dysfunction - issues which are widespread in Jamaica. Children lacking stability at home are at higher risk for sexual abuse, as there is usually more access to the child and more opportunities to abuse the child. Most victims are girl children. Girls suffering from cognitive difficulties are particularly vulnerable.

My best childhood friend turned out to be a pedophile as a teenager. As youngsters, we spent a lot of time together. I was shocked as I thought I knew him very well. He was caught having sex with our neighbor's 5 year old daughter. He had to flee the community as he would have been killed by the family and others in the community. This friend eventually became a conman, a gunman and a career criminal. Long tolerated in Jamaica, the media is finally revealing this formerly unspeakable crime. Jamaicans are finally waking up to the horrors of pedophilia and how widespread it is. Where children are concerned, we need to change protocols. A public online child offender registry is needed so that any organization can check if a convicted pedophile is working for them. Unfortunately, most pedophiles will never be convicted. It is a hidden crime. Any facility serving children should have a rule that at no time is someone to be alone with children. Pedophiles who 'come out of the closet' should be offered privacy and treatment options to control their urges. Unfortunately, the general feeling is to kill or castrate them. Convicted pedophiles need to be treated and confined in an institution for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, our Privy Council ruled justice system does not allow for this.....Time to change our constitution.

Raymond D. Grant


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