
Showing posts from September, 2021

The war against the unvaccinated: Prepare to be Pepper Sprayed and jailed

Lloyd D'Aguilar who was at a peaceful protest against mandatory vaccination in Jamaica was pepper sprayed by the police.... OPEN LETTER TO ANOTHER POLICE COMMISSIONER, ANTONY ANDERSON, REGARDING CRIMINAL POLICE USE OF PEPPER SPRAY AGAINST PEACEFUL JAMAICAN CITIZENS. Dear Police Commissioner Antony Anderson, Please pay attention to the following points: Nzinga King (who you are aware of) was in a taxi some time ago with two other persons including a woman with a baby. The police, seeking to take out the male passenger,  sprayed the inside of the taxi with pepper spray. Nzinga came out of the taxi and verbally expressed her outrage at the police officer for his terrorist attack. For making a verbal protest she was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. The consequence of a NO-TRIAL conviction was that her locks were cut by a policewoman while in police custody.             I have previously made mention in a 2014 article published in the Gleaner t...

The War against the unvaccinated The war against the unvaccinated continues.....Mr. Higgins writes for and supports the existing political establishment with a bias towards the JLP. That alone means that he has little credibility with me. It would be better if partisan political pundits like him shut up and leave the vaccination marketing to the public health experts. People like Mr. Higgins and the politicians have so dominated the Covid vaccination narrative that there is no space left for the public health and infectious disease specialists. Here in Canada, vaccination is mandatory and so I am fully vaccinated (3 shots: two Pfizer and one Moderna). However, I remain uncomfortable with mandating vaccination. Polls show that 4 out of 5 Jamaicans are hesitant or against the vaccines and in the US, polls show that 2 out of 3 people are against mandatory vaccination. This is not our first pandemic. I am ...