The war against the unvaccinated: Prepare to be Pepper Sprayed and jailed

Lloyd D'Aguilar who was at a peaceful protest against mandatory vaccination in Jamaica was pepper sprayed by the police....


Dear Police Commissioner Antony Anderson,

Please pay attention to the following points:

Nzinga King (who you are aware of) was in a taxi some time ago with two other persons including a woman with a baby. The police, seeking to take out the male passenger,  sprayed the inside of the taxi with pepper spray. Nzinga came out of the taxi and verbally expressed her outrage at the police officer for his terrorist attack. For making a verbal protest she was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. The consequence of a NO-TRIAL conviction was that her locks were cut by a policewoman while in police custody.
            I have previously made mention in a 2014 article published in the Gleaner that the then Minister of National Security must ensure that the “police policy governing the use of pepper spray” is adhered to.
            I went on to say that  “the substance in pepper spray can cause serious damage”, and that “in the past, residents of inner city communities have complained about the police misusing pepper spray.”
            I subsequently wrote another article about the same kind of terrorist use of police pepper spray this time against homeless gay men in the Half Way Tree area.
            On this occasion, I am writing about being a personal victim of wanton police use of pepper spray at the September 22nd  protest against FORCED VACCINATION in downtown Kingston.
            The police were not only selective in the arrest of organizer Joseph Patterson, they were selective in their use of pepper spray while a group of us were WALKING AWAY, as ordered, from a location in front of the Central Police Station.
            We were not under arrest, and posed ABSOLUTELY no threat to the police. A video can be produced as to the occasion when we were pepper sprayed.
            I am therefore calling upon you as Police Commissioner to make an immediate pronouncement as to whether this use of pepper spray was used according to police policy.
            I should also add that Senior Police Officer Steve McGregor was standing beside the policeman who used the pepper spray. Did he order it? He certainly approved it.
            Failure to respond to this letter, for any reason, shall be interpreted as your equal endorsement of what is clearly a criminal use of pepper spray against peaceful Jamaican citizens.
            Indeed, your role as Police Commissioner will be made clear by your response or lack thereof.

Lloyd D’Aguilar
People’s Anti-Corruption Movement.


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