Why crime in Jamaica is a good thing

 No, I have not gone insane when I say crime is good.........

You see, Jamaica is like a pressure cooker, the heat being applied is economic pressure. As the pandemic has closed off Jamaica's main source of foreign exchange, the economic pressure has increased. Emigration and the resultant remittances from emigrants from Jamaica have acted as a sort of safety valve for the Jamaican society. Decoding Global Talent Polls show that over 90% of Jamaicans want to emigrate. If there was an open border between Jamaica and North America, only a few thousand people would remain on the island!

This desire to flee the country of their birth is because of the lack of economic opportunities on the island. However, not everyone can leave. Not everyone has a relative abroad, not everyone can qualify for a visa. The rejection rate for applicants to emigrate is quite high. Only about 20 - 30% of applicants can get a visa and that approval percentage includes visitor visas which technically are not an immigrant visa although it is common for many Jamaicans once they get out, they never return.

Therefore, aside from low paying jobs in the tourism and call centres, most undereducated Jamaicans cannot get a job so they want to emigrate but at least 70% of those who would emigrate can't. What happens to them? Sometimes the women turn to prostitution and the young men turn to crime. Therefore, in a weird way, prostitution and crime divert social discontent thus avoiding social upheaval.

Raymond D. Grant


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