Has His Excellency been Silenced?
https://www.jamaicaobserver.com/editorial/gov-t-must-be-decisive-for-the-common-good_232917?profile=1234 I live in Alberta, Canada where the vaccine passport is required for travel, employment, to eat in a restaurant, enter an entertainment venue, go to a gym or any other so-called ‘non-essential’ activity. So, for all intents and purposes, vaccination is mandatory here in Canada so I am fully vaccinated with three shots. Now that is out of the way, I would like to address the letter to the editor dated 7 th October by Kenneth D Richards, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kingston which basically says, ‘the Government must be decisive in acting for the common good’. This is code for mandating vaccination. I wish the archbishop would just come out and say so. Would I have been fully vaccinated if it was not mandated? I am not sure. The first shot I took in a panic. While I am leaning towards the position that older people and those with comorbidities should be vaccinated, ...