Vaccines are seatbelts??

Here we go again with the 'seatbelt' argument. Not wearing a seatbelt does not exclude you from travel, work, entering a restaurant or entertainment venue. One cannot compare an external safety device such as a seatbelt with injecting chemicals into your body. Such a comparison is illogical and crazy. Vaccine is mandatory where I live in Alberta, Canada. Although I was coerced into getting vaccinated before I was sure about vaccination, I am still against the mandatory Covid vaccination because it breaches the very sound medical principle of informed consent to any medical procedure and the principle of the sacredness of one's body. Governments, especially the Jamaican governments, were never so concerned with our 'safety' before. How come, all of a sudden, they are so concerned? There is another agenda. It's about the money. Each vaccine costs 3 - 4US$. It's about the money. Trillions are going to be made. Gangsters roam freely in Jamaica killing, pillaging, extorting and raping and yet very little is done about that situation other than crocodile tears and condemnations from the politicians. If you want to blindly trust our governments when the evidence is clear that the politicians are a bunch of lying thieves, that is your business. Sheep are the ones who follow without asking questions. Only if the population remains alert will we preserve what little freedoms we have left. Even though I am vaccinated, I am still asking questions which no one will answer. You may love your government but history has proven that successive Canadian and Jamaican administrations have been more concerned with getting and staying in power so that they can raid the treasury than with the welfare of the people who elect them. Most provaxxers are rabid about mandating vaccination on the rest of us when in several places with high vaccination rates such as where I live in Alberta, Canada, cases are skyrocketing and the vaccinated make up 1/3 of the hospital cases. Vaccination is not the panacea that the pro vaccine mandate people are saying it is. If vaccination alone were the solution, why are other countries in the world with very high vaccination rates still having problems with Covid? Remember at the beginning they told us just get vaccinated and all will be well. Suddenly, the goal posts have been moved and now we are getting third shots and there is talk about a fourth next spring.
I had a very bad adverse reaction to the vaccines but no one is being held responsible for my suffering or to compensate me for it because governments have taken the unprecedented move of lifting liability from the vaccine makers. If the vaccines are so safe, why was the liability provision removed from the vaccine makers? Benjamin Franklin said something to the effect that those who would trade their freedoms for 'safety' deserve neither freedom or safety. I would add that such a trade will not result in safety - just a loss of freedom with no increase in safety. History has shown that administrations promising to keep us safe really mean keeping us quiet and controlled while they do as they like. Small businesses are dying or dead while the Amazons, the Walmarts thrive. What is occurring is a great transfer of wealth to the corporate elite who are the backers of the political elite and the chattering mainstream media class. Talking about seatbelts, buckle up, the worst is yet to come...

Raymond D. Grant


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