Removing the Queen, Republican Status - Just the Start

I believe that truly becoming 'independent' is not dependent on words on a piece of constitutional paper. I guess that makes me a gradualist? This is one of the few occasions where I agree with Prime Minister Holness that it does not matter what you say or what is written, it's what you do, how you act that defines you. Despite the political rhetoric to the contrary, the way 'independent' Jamaica has acted so far, the level of political and constitutional discourse at the grassroots level, the corruption, the violence and the general lack of any discipline in the country defines most Jamaicans as uneducated simpletons who should not be responsible for themselves. One consequence of the 'independence' we have been granted so far is that Jamaica has become such a terrible place that most Jamaicans who can, choose to leave. Our 'independence' has been waylaid by the robber barons of a a political elite in cahoots with a corporate elite and with the acquiescence of a co-opted media. The hope for the average person was the labour movement but the unions, linked to the political elite, have been gelded so they are useless. Time to change the way we govern ourselves and while removing the queen and becoming a republic are a start, it doesn't end there. By all means, let us begin the discussion by removing the Queen and the Privy Council with Jamaica becoming a republic but it should not end there. We need to discuss the other issues of constitutional reform as well. We need to disabuse ourselves of the notion that the political elite under 'independence' will suddenly now have our welfare at heart. The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. For over 60 years, the history of our political elite is replete with corruption. We need to develop constitutional guardrails that limit government's power and systems and institutions that hold those we elect to power accountable for what they do when we give them power. If we just continue to have a situation where a growing frustrated majority disengages from the political process in disgust leaving it to red and green shirted loyalists, we will continue the descent into the abyss. I see little indication that we grasp this. The lines (now virtual) at the embassy are as long as ever. There is no traction to develop movements to challenge the existing political elite. In Jamaica, it's every man for himself now.....

Raymond D. Grant


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