Crime in Jamaica and the Search for Solutions

Tactics for Crime Fighting in Jamaica

When the rot has become endemic and normalized as in Jamaica, fighting crime in Jamaica is easier said than done...

Every 4 - 5 years, we have general elections in Jamaica. Parties are changed but nothing else. As the economic hardship increases for the majority of the people, they become more preoccupied with survival than with voting. Also, as 'black dawg is swapped for monkey', the majority becomes disenchanted with the political process altogether. This along with the garrison communities' ethos guarantees that nothing will change substantially when it comes to crime. The crime mostly impacts the poor so the corrupt political and corporate elites don't really care - despite electoral rhetoric to the contrary. Crime will continue to remain at unacceptable levels in Jamaica for the foreseeable future...For most Haitians and Jamaicans it is time to abandon ship - get a visa.

Raymond D. Grant


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