One step at a time

 Privy Council vs CCJ

Time come!

Since my teens, I have been advocating for Constitutional Reform in Jamaica. During those years, I was a part of a group of youth led by a recipient on this email list. We advocated for constitutional and legal reform and focused on lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. In 1976, Michael Manley's PNP lowered the voting age to 18. We did it!

There seems to be a perception that the whole constitution needs to be changed at one go. I disagree with this perception. Like moving our bowels, changing our constitution will have to be an ongoing, gradual process. To try and do it all in one go will 'constipate' the process as Lloyd B. Smith said (see below). For example, the US constitution has been changed numerous times throughout history - one thing at a time. The Jamaican Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms also came into effect because there was general agreement about it. As the above article says, there seems to be general agreement about removing the British monarch as head of state but there is no agreement of the role (ceremonial or executive) of the replacement head of state. Also, there is no general agreement when it comes to the CCJ. My opinion is that our final Court of Appeal should be in Jamaica. Others say it should be the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). Others also want other things in the constitution (such as the right to buggery and abortion) at the same time. Beginning the process of changing the constitution and the laws associated with it needs to be done in a timely manner but if we wait until there is general agreement on everything, we will 'constipate' the process and be waiting for generations. Why not focus on one thing at a time with one referendum at a time? Go ahead now and remove the British monarch as head of state only and not replace the head of state right now. The Prime Minister is already sort of an executive position anyway so the Prime Minister can act as head of state - for now. We can change the rest after......

Who wants a constipated constitution?

Time to change the way we govern ourselves but politics is 'the art of the possible'.

What say you?

Raymond D. Grant


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