Why Jamaicans don't vote


What this author ignores is that the non vote option has been chosen by most people because the voters are faced with two corrupt parties both of whom are terrible choices. Faced with this Hobson's choice, most voters stay away from the polls. Because of the way our political system is set, it is practically impossible to successfully form a third party without vast financial resources and serious security protection as it takes money to go into politics and any serious person who becomes a political threat would be killed in Jamaica. The United Independent's Congress (UIC) is trying but without corporate support and media interest, they do not have much traction. The UIC leaders live under constant threat and their leader and some supporters were arrested in a protest. Unable to form a new political movement and unable to protest without being arrested, Jamaicans have chosen the only weapon they have - refuse to legitimize either party by staying away at the polls.

Raymond D. Grant


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