Jamaica's Problem....

 UK PM salary - US $160k

UK population - 60M
Cost per citizen - 3 cents
US President salary - $400,000
US Population - 340M
Cost per citizen- 11 Cents
Canada PM Salary - US$265,000
Canada Population - 38M
Cost per Citizen - 7 cents
Jamaica's PM Salary - US$200,000
Jamaica's Population - 3M
Cost per Citizen -  67 cents
Jamaica's GDP is $15B
Canada's GDP IS $2 Trillion
USA GDP is $23 Trillion
UKs GDP is $3 Trillion


Advocates Network Position

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROLL BACK THE GG’s 183 PER CENT INCREASE TOO! Kingston, Jamaica, Thursday, May 25, 2023. In the continuing public outrage that has followed the announcement of the astronomical levels of salary increases for the political directorate, the salary increase of the Governor-General (GG) has gone completely unnoticed for many Jamaicans. The Advocates Network is of the view that the 183 percent salary increase of the GG's salary from Ja$12 million to Ja$34 million is not only unconscionable but lacks “moral virtue” and a "moral duty of care." At the Press Conference on Monday, May 22, 2023, Prime Minister (PM) Holness noted that political leaders "have a higher moral duty to act in concert and solidarity with those who are suffering." Speaking at the Norman Manley Law School Distinguished Lecture in 2011, Sir Patrick Allen expressed similar sentiments. He addressed the topic “The Moral Duty of Care” due to the moral crisis in Jamaica and noted that: “the highest GOOD to which we all must occupy ourselves, is moral virtue. “…As a people we have not been prudent in our moral duty of care,” he said. “Try as we might to ignore the consequences of this imbalance, it is all around us…in our news reports, in our schools, in the stagnation of our economy, the hopelessness of our people…" Given the obvious inequity and unfairness of the salary increase, the GG’s moral duty of care is now being questioned if he accepts the 183 percent salary increase! Further, Jamaicans should note that under the Income Tax Act (s. 12), the GG will pay NO taxes out of the Ja$34 mill that taxpayers will pay him. His salary is tax-exempt! Also, under s.6(a) of the Access to Information Act, the GG is exempt from providing information to the public. This means that taxpayers will have no access to information about how he spends the Ja$440 million to ceremonially represent King Charles III, as Head of State, and to carry out constitutional duties in FY 2023/24. No head of state should benefit from such exemptions in any constitutional or legislative arrangements in the proposed future Republic of Jamaica. It is time to STAND UP and demand moral leadership from the Governor General and the political directorate. ROLLBACK these unconscionable salary increases. If yuh can roll back ONE, yuh can roll back ALL! For more information, contact: Rosalea Hamilton – Tel (876) 833-2545 Robert Stephens - Tel (876) 909-6338 Donna Mattis – Tel (876) 347-2482 Devon Taylor – Tel (876) 293-5835 Indi Mclymont-Lafayette - (876) 852-8763 The Advocates Network is an unincorporated, non-partisan alliance of individuals and organizations advocating for human rights and good governance to improve the socio-economic conditions of the people of Jamaica and transform lives. Our core objective is to forge a meaningful, broad-based collaboration of individuals and civil society organizations to support human rights & good governance issues.

The United Independents' (UIC) Position



May 20, 2023


The United Independents’ Congress of Jamaica (UIC) has noted with concern the alarming increase of pay that our politicians have taken for themselves, even while civil servants and most Jamaicans struggle to make ends meet.

 The UIC therefore demands that the Government of Jamaica fulfil the following before any consideration of pay increase, and calls on all Jamaicans to join in a national protest on June 10 should the government fail to fulfil these requirements to ensure good governance by June 10, 2023:

  1. Fixed election dates
  2. Job descriptions for Members of Parliament, Ministers and Senators
  3. Performance-based pay
  4. Effective separation of powers between the Senate, House of Representatives, Executive and the Judiciary
  5. Effective checks and balances
  6. Independent elected senators
  7. Grassroots candidate selection instead of party or delegates selecting candidates
  8. 100% publicly-funded campaign financing system to eliminate big-money control of the system
  9. Taxation and borrowing restrictions on government
  10. Stop CBDC (No Central Bank Digital Currency) and Return the Bank of Jamaica to the people of Jamaica – protect our purchasing power
  11. Get rid of NIDS programme
  12. No government funding, supporting or promoting of sexual relations
  13. No government funding, supporting or promoting of gender identity
  14. Give us a real republic now – a non-partisan constitutional republic; no fake republic


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