Donkey seh: worl nuh level


No matter how the wearers of the green sunglasses do not like it, we have got to move away from politicians being involved in the giving out of donkeys, farm worker tickets, houses and the like....These are things that should be entrusted to the government/civil service bureaucracy to deal with in a fair and unbiased manner. Why? Because public money is not supposed to be the personal slush fund for politicians to use to buy votes. In a properly run country, everyone gets equal treatment according to need. These things are being provided by public money contributed by all of the tax paying public. The use of public money to provide goods and services to people needs to be properly monitored and accounted for. When this process is short-circuited by the intervention of politicians, it opens up the process to abuse: partisan bias, nepotism, corruption and the like. Time to change the way we govern ourselves.....

Raymond D. Grant



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