Rule by the 'Tapanaris'

Garfield Higgins: When Golding's tapanaris rule

As expected, this dyed in the wool labourite who has his snout deep in the public trough comes out swinging for the JLP. No surprise there. However, to claim that the PNP will rule with and at the behest of 'elites' is to be disingenuous as the JLP does the same thing. Both parties are financed by and rule on behalf of the economic elite. Both parties are wings of the same bird - the economic elite.

Mark Golding is NOT a socialist - even though he says he is. Mark Golding is a liar. Mark Golding and the PNP are capitalist through and through and anyone who researches Mr. Golding and the PNP's economic links can see that. But then, so is the Holness family - capitalist. Socialism is dead in Jamaica so we can move on from that argument. Jamaica is ruled by the JLP/PNP political elite who are beholden to the corporate elite who funds them. The Jamaican media is also owned by this corporate elite. Who pays the piper, calls the tune. I do not make political predictions but it does not matter anyway. Nothing much will change for the average person whether the PNP or JLP win the next election - although the odd person may get a donkey! I caution Mr. Higgins about making political predictions. Polls show the Holness government is in a downward slide and Holness is becoming very unpopular. Mr. Higgins gloats about 'the miraculous economic progress' under the JLP but I remember a similar claim to economic progress under the Shearer JLP government leading up to the 1972 election. The JLP lost that election - economic progress notwithstanding. Jamaica needs a new political movement - one that does not take money from the big business sector and one that is financed by individual members only. Time for the United Independents Congress?

Raymond D. Grant


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