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Where is Jamaica going?

  • Top 10 most atheist countries in the world:

    #10 Uruguay- 41.5% religiously unaffiliated

    (GDP ppp US $102.5 billion/ per capita ppp US $28,740)

    #9 Netherlands- 44.3% religiously unaffiliated

    (GDP ppp US $1.29 trillion/ per capita ppp US $72,970)

    #8 Latvia- 45.3% religiously unaffiliated

    (GDP ppp US $75.9 billion/ per capita ppp US $40,260)

    #7 Korea (Republic)- 51.8% religiously unaffiliated

    (GDP ppp US $2.9 trillion/ per capita US ppp $56,710)

    #6 China- 51.8% religiously unaffiliated

    (GDP ppp US $33 trillion/ per capita ppp US $23,380)

    #5 Hong Kong- 54.7% religiously unaffiliated

    (US $544.74 Billion GDP/ per capita US $74,600)

    #4 Japan- 60% of population religiously unaffiliated

    (US $6.46 trillion GDP/ per capita US $51,810)

    #3 Estonia- 60.2% of population religiously unaffiliated. Relatively small economy

    (US $61.76 billion or $46,390 per capita)

    #2 North Korea- 71.3% of population religiously unaffiliated. Ruled by an autocratic family. No data on crime.

    #1 Czech Republic- 78.4% religiously unaffiliated.

    (GDP US $536.9 billion or $50,960 per capita.
    Not known as a violent/crime-ridden country.

    Conversely, the countries with the highest percentage of Christians are:

    #10 Zambia- 95.5% Christian

    (GDP ppp US $83.12 billion/ per capita ppp US $4,040)

    #9 Haiti/Paraguay- 96% Christian

    (Haiti GDP ppp US $39.72 billion/ per capita ppp US $3,250; Paraguay (GDP ppp US $117.69 billion/ per capita ppp US $15,580)

    #7 Greenland 96.6%-Christian (GDP US $3 billion/ per capita US$55,000)

    #6 Papua New Guinea- 97% Christian

    (GDP US $42.18 billion/ per capita US $4,520)

    #5 Grenada- 97.3% Christian

    (GDP ppp US $2.3billion/ per capita ppp US $20,070)

    #4 Armenia- 97.9% Christian

    (GDP ppp US $57.74 billion/ per capita ppp US $19,490)

    #3 Romania- 98% Christian

    (GDP ppp US $783.9 billion/ per capita ppp US $41,630)

    #2 Timor Leste (formerly East Timor)- 99.1% Christian)

    (GDP ppp US $5.07 billion/ per capita ppp US $3,640)

    #1 Vatican City- 100% Christian
    (GDP unknown)

    Religious data source: Yahoo

    Financial data source: IMF

    As one can see, statistically, Christianity does not necessarily equal prosperity or even a peaceful country, nor does the lack of it mean that a country will be impoverished and violent.

    Work ethic, morality, opportunity, national identity, and an efficient and just legal system, are much stronger drivers of prosperity and peace than Christianity, or any other religion for that matter.

    Note: the most peaceful and prosperous countries in the world are NOT Christian, but actually ATHEIST. While I’m in no way advocating for atheism, I also recognize that what Christianity in Jamaica used to do is to make people fearful. Fear of what would happen to wrongdoers in the afterlife was what brought persons into line. Christianity no longer conjures up that fear. There is however a #FOMO (fear of missing out) on the prosperity that millions can now see others enjoying, thanks to the internet.


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