Al·la·hu Ak·bar! Before 9/11 when I was a student at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, I wrote about and spoke out against some of the backward practices of some who claim to to be followers of the prophet of Islam. I specifically criticized Female Genital Mutilation and the general treatment of women in Islamic countries. I also warned that fanatical Muslims would cause problems for us in the future. Then 9/11 happened and everyone said 'You were right!' I got death threats on my phone, I was attacked by mobs of Muslim students at the school and had to have a campus police escort to and from classes. Thanks to the campus police, I was very lucky not to be beheaded. I had to eventually end my studies, leave Carleton U and flee Canada so they won. Most Muslims are very peaceful, loving people but there is a significant fanatical element in Islam which the mainstream Muslim community an...