
Showing posts from October, 2020

Al·la·hu Ak·bar! Before 9/11 when I was a student at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, I wrote about and spoke out against some of the backward practices of some who claim to to be followers of the prophet of Islam. I specifically criticized Female Genital Mutilation and the general treatment of women in Islamic countries. I also warned that fanatical Muslims would cause problems for us in the future. Then 9/11 happened and everyone said 'You were right!' I got death threats on my phone, I was attacked by mobs of Muslim students at the school and had to have a campus police escort to and from classes. Thanks to the campus police, I was very lucky not to be beheaded. I had to eventually end my studies, leave Carleton U and flee Canada so they won. Most Muslims are very peaceful, loving people but there is a significant fanatical element in Islam which the mainstream Muslim community an...

America has a problem America needs more than ‘a decent person at the helm of government’. America is suffering from a similar condition as Jamaica and American voters who faced a Hobson’s choice. The political establishments of democracies can be taken over by corporate elites. When this happens, government and the political process become discredited in the eyes of most people. History shows that this often gives rise to populists who promise ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ (French Revolution), 'Peace, Land and Bread' (Russian Revolution) 'Liberty' (Haitian Revolution), 'make Germany Great again' (Hitler), 'Serve the People' (Mao - China), ‘make America great again’ (Ronald Reagan/Trump), or ‘drain the swamp’ (Trump). None of these achieved their aims and many presided over even more tyranny than their predecessors. ‘A decent person’ entering the political arena cannot ...

Jamaica's Kingdom Going to Waste The political violence of the 70s has established the fact that our political establishment do not care whether we live or die. The current crime and virus situations reinforces that fact. Jamaicans continue to delude themselves into thinking that the politicians care about us. When it comes to the environment, the evidence speaks for itself. In my lifetime, I have witnessed the ravaging of our beautiful environment. The entire JLP/PNP political establishment has been hijacked and is dominated by a plutocracy. Like rabid dogs, the JLP/PNP fight for the power and the glory while the kingdom goes to waste (Ernie Smith). Once in a while a deluded well-meaning person like the Rev Ronnie Thwaites enters the political arena determined to make a difference only to leave with disappointment. The NDM tried and went down in flames. Recently, other religious leaders dipped their toes in...