Jamaica Needs a 'Reset'


Mr. Knight has identified a critical problem in Jamaica. That is the nature of our politics. The partisan, first past the post system we have in Jamaica encourages division, one upmanship, clientelism and failure leading to the now widespread cynicism towards politics by the majority of Jamaicans who don't even bother to vote anymore. The problem is the solution is a political one involving electoral and constitutional reform as well - things for which there is zero political traction because of the current system. No political party in Jamaica has the vision that involves electoral and constitutional reform so Mr. Knight is correct - crime will continue it's march, more women will die. What is needed is a 'reset' something which I thought this pandemic would cause but so far, that has not happened. In some countries, this 'reset' is caused by revolutions or military takeovers. However, in Jamaica, there are certain pressure relievers (ganja, corruption, gangs, emigration) which have prevented that from happening. Time will tell how long this tenuous situation can last......

Raymond D. Grant
AKA 'Don Barker'
Research Director, EXILED
Canada Cell: (867) 445 - 2865

Immigrants, Migrant Workers and Refugees - Making the World a Better Place for All


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