Crime in Jamaica and the Search for Solutions II

The dead-end realities of Jamaica's gangster life

It would be interesting to know the background of the author of this piece. Like most young ghetto youth, if I were born in the ghetto, I would probably have been a gangster too. I was not born rich but I was born outside of the ghetto, attended church, had parents who cared and family who helped me to leave Jamaica. I therefore had options to live a fairly decent life. Most ghetto youth do not have such options. Sure, the exceptional are able to rise above the heap but most people are not exceptional. I certainly am not so that is why I say if I were born in the ghetto, I would have been a gangster. People make choices in life. One uneducated youth from the ghetto can choose life but he/she may be bullied and beaten in school, females are raped as teenagers and then upon leaving school the future holds a life of standing on the corner as life and time goes by. No wonder many choose the allure of gang life: nuff gyal, brand name clothing, Clarks shoes, cyar, etc. etc. Yes, they may end up dead before 30 but at least they have lived what they perceive to be a life of bling. We talk of changing 'values and attitudes' when life in the ghetto is brutal. The only way to survive in the ghetto is to be brutal. The values and attitudes we want to implement in the ghetto are irrelevant and inapplicable in the ghetto. The political and corporate elites want to avoid changing the ghetto environment as that is too hard and too expensive. It is also politically, very risky. To give more options to ghetto youth would require such vast expenditure that our corporate elites will not stand for the taxation necessary to achieve it. We would rather spend millions on the army and police. In addition, corruption absorbs much of the money that could go a long way to fixing things in Ja. The political and corporate elites want to keep the people uneducated and poor as it is easier to manipulate a poor uneducated person than it is to change things for young Jamaicans to give them more options. Wi cawna dark.....

Raymond D. Grant


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