
Showing posts from July, 2023

Rule by the 'Tapanaris'

Garfield Higgins: When Golding's tapanaris rule As expected, this dyed in the wool labourite who has his snout deep in the public trough comes out swinging for the JLP. No surprise there. However, to claim that the PNP will rule with and at the behest of 'elites' is to be disingenuous as the JLP does the same thing. Both parties are financed by and rule on behalf of the economic elite. Both parties are wings of the same bird - the economic elite. Mark Golding is NOT a socialist - even though he says he is. Mark Golding is a liar. Mark Golding and the PNP are capitalist through and through and anyone who researches Mr. Golding and the PNP's economic links can see that. But then, so is the Holness family - capitalist. Socialism is dead in Jamaica so we can move on from that argument. Jamaica is ruled by the JLP/PNP political elite who are beholden to the corporate elite who funds them. The Jamaican media is also owned by this corporate elite. Who pays the piper, calls t...

Lisa Hanna: The Job Market in 5 Years

The Job Market in 5 Years - Lisa Hanna Lisa is right. However, this is nothing new. This process has been going on for years. When I left CAST (now UTech), computers were as big as a room and compared to todays PCs, they were very slow. I then worked at the Jamaica Telephone Company (JTC) as a Statistician. Within 5 years, with the advancement in computers, I realized I would soon be obsolete. Proactively, and to the horror of my family and co-workers, I resigned to start my own business. A few years after I left the JTC, my job could be done by a computer and the JTC itself eventually ceased to exist and all my former co-workers were out of a job. I eventually hired a computer nerd to teach me everything about computers and went on to make a living for years as a computer consultant. For example, I would not train to be a mechanic on internal combustion engines (ICE) as those types of vehicles will be disappearing in 10 years or less. If you want to be a car mechanic, train to be an ...

Donkey seh: worl nuh level

Image No matter how the wearers of the green sunglasses do not like it, we have got to move away from politicians being involved in the giving out of donkeys, farm worker tickets, houses and the like....These are things that should be entrusted to the government/civil service bureaucracy to deal with in a fair and unbiased manner. Why? Because public money is not supposed to be the personal slush fund for politicians to use to buy votes. In a properly run country, everyone gets equal treatment according to need. These things are being provided by public money contributed by all of the tax paying public. The use of public money to provide goods and services to people needs to be properly monitored and accounted for. When this process is short-circuited by the intervention of politicians, it opens up the process to abuse: partisan bias, nepotism, corruption and the like. Time to change th...

Isms Schisms In referring to change in a society, it is said that one cannot have make an omelet (or scrambled eggs) without 'breaking some eggs'. Even the non-violent movements of Garvey and Martin Luther King resulted in imprisonments, injuries and deaths. The problem with 'breaking some eggs' refers to you and me! Very often also, after the eggs are broken, that is only the beginning. Very often, revolutionary movements using the terms socialism and communism result in more 'breaking of eggs' - sometimes in the millions. Jamaica needs change but the challenge is how to break the grip of the corporate elite holding sway over the political elite - peacefully. One solution, Electoral Reform which includes: Campaign Finance Reform (Transparency about who funds the political parties and limits on such funding). Equal Public funding of all registered political parties...

Where is Jamaica going?

Image − I in_my_view   a day ago Top 10 most atheist countries in the world: #10 Uruguay- 41.5% religiously unaffiliated (GDP ppp US $102.5 billion/ per capita ppp US $28,740) #9 Netherlands- 44.3% religiously unaffiliated (GDP ppp US $1.29 trillion/ per capita ppp US $72,970) #8 Latvia- 45.3% religiously unaffiliated (GDP ppp US $75.9 billion/ per capita ppp US $40,260) #7 Korea (Republic)- 51.8% religiously unaffiliated (GDP ppp US $2.9 trillion/ per capita US ppp $56,710) #6 China- 51.8% religiously unaffiliated (GDP ppp US $33 trillion/ per capita ppp US $23,380) #5 Hong Kong- 54.7% religiously unaffiliated (US $544.74 Billion GDP/ per capita US $74,600) #4 Japan- 60% of population religiously unaffiliated (US $6.46 trillion GDP/ per capita US $51,810) #3 Estonia- 60.2% of population religiously unaffiliated. Relatively small economy (US $61.76 billion or $46,390 per capita) #2 North Korea- 71.3% ...